Questions about Progene?
- How do I know if my order's been shipped?
- All paid orders are processed by the next business day and shipped within 24hours.
- Couldn't I just buy Progene at the store?
- Sure! Progene is found nationwide… but if you have an interest in package deals & discounts, see your sales associate
- I'm not sure if Progene is working for me.
- As a natural product. Progene works gradually with your body's natural processes to produce more testosterone.
- Because Progene is non-synthetic and isn't designed to artificially over-boost your system. Effects might not be as obvious.
- Continue trying Progene for a few more weeks.
- If you're not experiencing results, we give you the extended return policy to fully try Progene before deciding it's not for you.
- Alternatively, consider a test kit to actually measure levels and objectively track changes.
- Is shipping & handling refundable?
- The only time shipping and handling is refundable is when the package is insured and lost without proof of delivery. This would be also applicable to returned products. Otherwise, similar to other catalog and mail order offers, shipping & handling is an external, third party cost and non-refundable for any order.
- Unless noted, all shipping and handling charges are billed at a flat rate of $9.95.
- Orders are normally processed by the next business day after payment clears
- From our MidWest Distribution Center, orders are shipped via United States Postal Service and delivered to the continental United States within 4-7 days. Most orders are delivered within 2-3 business days.
- All shipments are discreetly shipped—PHI will be listed as as the return address.
- Orders paid via check may experience delays due to, the mailing of the check, check clearing & processing time.
- All orders are shipped with delivery confirmation requested.